
The Book -  "First, Break All the Rules" About the concept of effective management by challenging traditional management principles. The authors, Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman, present their ideas based on extensive research conducted by the Gallup Organization. The central premise of the book is that great managers don't necessarily follow common management practices; instead, they break the rules and adopt a more individualized and unconventional approach to managing people. Key concepts in the book include: Focus on Strengths: The authors argue that great managers focus on their employees' strengths rather than trying to fix weaknesses. They emphasize the importance of identifying and leveraging the unique talents and strengths of each individual within a team.   Customized Management: The book suggests that effective managers treat each employee as an individual, recognizing that one-size-fits-all management doesn't work. Successful managers tailor the

How I Start?

  HOW I START?   In today's increasingly digital world, we are constantly faced with online problems. Whether it's a technical issue with our computer, a question about a product we're buying, or a problem with a service we're using, there's always a chance that we'll need to find a solution online.   Fortunately, there are a number of resources available to help us solve online problems. So the first thought that came in my mind is why not to become a online support for the others who are looking for the solutions for their online problem. As soon as I found it worthy, I started working on the same.  SEEING IS BELIEVING  So, I started to work on my daily challenges & working towards the solutions online through Websites and forums, social media, online communities and help centers etc. This is how I got entered into this online web and started earning through copy writing, reviews and become an affiliate marketer and working 3-4 hours a day as virtual assis

Merry Go Round Moments

Life is Just like A Merry Go Round: Enjoy the Ride until we get off…   “You don’t really understand human nature unless you know why a child on a merry-go-round will wave at his parents every time around – and why his parents will always wave back. by  William D. Tammeus As the motion of a merry go round in circular motion. In this motion the merry go round exerts a centripetal force on the person riding it. The more we move away from the center of circular motion the more centripetal force will be applied on us.  I like to have merry go rides though, at times rides are fast & made me feel nauseous. but there was something really magical about these rides that made me imagine & think beyond. Attractive rides welcome us to take a part for a spin; sometimes bumpy, at other times smooth and filled with music. We can react in a happy, sad, angry or fearful manner but no matter our reaction, the ride, like life, continues until it’s time to get off.  Of course, it is our collective