Merry Go Round Moments

Life is Just like A Merry Go Round: Enjoy the Ride until we get off…

 “You don’t really understand human nature unless you know why a child on a merry-go-round will wave at his parents every time around – and why his parents will always wave back.

by  William D. Tammeus

As the motion of a merry go round in circular motion. In this motion the merry go round exerts a centripetal force on the person riding it. The more we move away from the center of circular motion the more centripetal force will be applied on us. 

I like to have merry go rides though, at times rides are fast & made me feel nauseous. but there was something really magical about these rides that made me imagine & think beyond.

Attractive rides welcome us to take a part for a spin; sometimes bumpy, at other times smooth and filled with music. We can react in a happy, sad, angry or fearful manner but no matter our reaction, the ride, like life, continues until it’s time to get off.  Of course, it is our collective wish to have a great ride. 

Apart from my childhood memories of merry-go-round rides, the first thing came in my mind was about the below old nursery rhyme. As per these rhyme - life is a merry go round; it is filled with ups and downs, joyful and joyless moments, sacrifices and celebrations, and ultimately, life and death… 

On the merry go round of life, we climb up and hold on with all our might, knowing that a moment of distraction could lead to injury or worse. We enjoy the highs, manage the hurts and in many cases, offer the rest to the Creator with a knowing that all is well.

We do gain and lose things in life and the hope is that at the end, it all balances out. Doesn’t it?

Enjoy the life you have.

What’s your merry go round ride like? Is there an amusement park ride that resonates on another level for you? 

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